
The DisplayGhostingAction is for outputting the ghosting of your simulation. In MOOSE, we attempt to ghost only the minimum amount of data for running the simulation. In order to know what ghosting we need each object can add one or more RelationshipManager classes. This object sets up several AuxVariables and AuxKernels for outputting both the "Geometric" and "Algebraic" ghosting.

To output ghosting add the following parameter(s) to your Mesh block: ` ... output_ghosting = true include_local_in_ghosting = true [] `

The include_local_in_ghosting parameter will also include all of a processors local elements in the ghosting field to give you a complete view of ghosting.


  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 2
  nx = 10
  ny = 10
    type = GridPartitioner
    nx = 2
    ny = 2

  output_ghosting = true


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