
This class provides API for coupling different kinds of variables values into MOOSE systems. The following table summarizes the methods and kinds of values they provide:

coupledValueValues of a coupled variable in q-points
coupledGradientGradients of a coupled variable in q-points
coupledSecondSecond derivatives of a coupled variable in q-points
adCoupledValueValues of a coupled variable in q-points with automatic differentiation info
adCoupledGradientGradients of a coupled variable in q-points with automatic differentiation info
adCoupledSecondSecond derivatives of a coupled variable in q-points with automatic differentiation info
coupledNodalValueValues of a coupled variable at nodes.
adCoupledNodalValueValues of a coupled (vector) variable at nodes with automatic differentiation info
coupledVectorValueValues of a coupled vector variable in q-points
adCoupledVectorValueValues of a coupled vector variable in q-points with automatic differentiation info
coupledCurlCurl of a coupled vector variable in q-points
coupledDotTime derivative of a coupled variable
coupledDotDuDerivative of a time derivative of a coupled variable
coupledNodalDotNodal value of the time derivative of a coupled variable
coupledVectorDotTime derivative of a coupled vector variable
coupledVectorDotDuDerivative of a time derivative of a coupled vector variable
adCoupledLowerValueValue a coupled lower-dimensional variable with automatic differentiation info

For values, gradients and second derivatives, users can request old and older values in case they are running a transient simulation. In case of old and older values, the methods are called coupledValueOld and coupledValueOlder, respectively. Similarly,

Optional Coupling

To determine if a variable was coupled, users can use isCoupled method. The typical use case looks like this:

_value(isCoupled("v") ? coupledValue("v") : _zero)

However, this use case became obsolete and now it is recommended to use default values for optionally coupled variables, see the following example:

  InputParameters params = BaseClass::validParams();
  params.addCoupledVar("v", 2., "Coupled value");
  return params;

Class::Class(...) : BaseClass(...),

The advantage here is that users can provide arbitrary default values to their variables.

Coupling of Vectors of Variables

Users can couple a vector of variables using the following syntax:

v = 'a b c'

This syntax provides 3 variables coupled as a variable v in a MOOSE object using the Coupleable interface. The number of components coupled into can be obtained by coupledComponents method. Then, individual components can be obtained by calling coupledValue (or any other method mentioned above) passing in the variable name (as usual) and the component index. See the following example:


class B : public A
  unsigned int _n_vars;
  std::vector<MooseVariable *> _vars;


  InputParameters params = A::validParams();
  params.addRequiredCoupledVar("v", "Coupled value");
  return params;

B::B(...) : A(...),
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _n_vars; i++)
    _vars.push_back(dynamic_cast<MooseVariable *>(getVar("v", i)));

Defaults for Coupling of Vectors of Variables

Vectors of variables can be added using params.addCoupledVar as described above. The parameter class allows providing defaults for vector variables as follows:

  InputParameters params = A::validParams();
  params.addCoupledVar("v", {1, 2, 3}, "Coupled value");
  return params;

Coupled variable parameters can be set to constant real numbers in the input file using the syntax

v = '1'

for a single coupled variable or using

v = '1 2 3'

for a vector of coupled variables. Currently mixing actual variable assignments and defaults like this:

v = '1 actual_var 3'

is not supported.

Coupled Solution DOFs

It is possible to retrieve the solution DOFs of an element in an elemental loop. This is different than the "value" type coupling which holds the interpolated values of the shape functions themselves. Obtaining the raw DOFs all the user to perform their own integration or other evaluation without going through the interpolation process. These functions can be found here:

   * Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
   * @param var_name Name of coupled variable
   * @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
   * @return Reference to a VariableValue for the DoFs of the coupled variable
  virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValues(const std::string & var_name,
                                                 unsigned int comp = 0) const;

   * Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the
   * local element
   * @param var_name Name of coupled variable
   * @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each compontnet of the coupled variable
  std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValues(const std::string & var_name) const;

   * Returns DoFs in the old solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
   * @param var_name Name of coupled variable
   * @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
   * @return Reference to a VariableValue for the old DoFs of the coupled variable
  virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValuesOld(const std::string & var_name,
                                                    unsigned int comp = 0) const;

   * Returns DoFs in the old solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the local
   * element
   * @param var_name Name of coupled variable
   * @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each compontnet of the coupled variable
  std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValuesOld(const std::string & var_name) const;

   * Returns DoFs in the older solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
   * @param var_name Name of coupled variable
   * @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
   * @return Reference to a VariableValue for the older DoFs of the coupled variable
  virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValuesOlder(const std::string & var_name,
                                                      unsigned int comp = 0) const;

   * Returns DoFs in the older solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the
   * local element
   * @param var_name Name of coupled variable
   * @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each compontnet of the coupled variable
  std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValuesOlder(const std::string & var_name) const;

   * Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of a coupled array variable for the local element
   * @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
   * @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
   * @return Reference to a VariableValue for the DoFs of the coupled variable
  virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayDofValues(const std::string & var_name,
                                                           unsigned int comp = 0) const;