
Mesh generator which removes elements from the specified subdomains


The BlockDeletionGenerator is used to remove elements from a mesh matching a user provided subdomain ID. While most mesh generation operations should be based on geometric operations, it is sometimes easier to remove discretized elements, by blocks, for certain problems.

For example, if we have a mesh that models both a pipe and its interior, but we only want to model the fluid flow, we may delete the subdomain associated with the pipe.


Once a block is deleted from the mesh, it should not be referred to in the input. Variables and materials can no longer be block restricted to a deleted block, for example.

Example input syntax

In this example input file, we remove blocks 1 and 3 with a single BlockDeletionGenerator. This leaves only block 2 in the simulation.

    type = CartesianMeshGenerator
    dim = 2
    dx = '4 2 3'
    dy = '1 2'
    ix = '10 10 10'
    iy = '8 8'
    subdomain_id = '1 2 3
                    2 2 2'

    type = BlockDeletionGenerator
    input = cmg
    block = '1 3'

Input Parameters

  • inputThe mesh we want to modify

    C++ Type:MeshGeneratorName


    Description:The mesh we want to modify

Required Parameters

  • blockThe list of blocks to be deleted

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>


    Description:The list of blocks to be deleted

  • new_boundaryoptional boundary name to assign to the cut surface

    C++ Type:BoundaryName


    Description:optional boundary name to assign to the cut surface

  • show_infoFalseWhether or not to show mesh info after generating the mesh (bounding box, element types, sidesets, nodesets, subdomains, etc)


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Whether or not to show mesh info after generating the mesh (bounding box, element types, sidesets, nodesets, subdomains, etc)

Optional Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

Advanced Parameters