Dampers System

Dampers are used to decrease the attempted change to the solution with each nonlinear step. This can be useful in preventing the solver from changing the solution dramatically from one step to the next. This may prevent, for example, the solver from attempting to evaluate negative temperatures.

Available Objects

  • Moose App
  • BoundingValueElementDamperThis class implements a damper that limits the value of a variable to be within user-specified bounds.
  • BoundingValueNodalDamperLimits the value of a variable to be within user-specified bounds.
  • ConstantDamperModifies the non-linear step by applying a constant damping factor.
  • MaxIncrementLimits a variable's update by some max fraction
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • ElementJacobianDamperDamper that limits the change in element Jacobians
  • ReferenceElementJacobianDamperDamper that limits the change in element Jacobians

Available Actions