MultiApp System


MOOSE was originally created to solve fully-coupled systems of PDEs, but not all systems need to be or are fully coupled:

  • multiscale systems are generally loosely coupled between scales;

  • systems with both fast and slow physics can be decoupled in time; and

  • simulations involving input from external codes might be solved somewhat decoupled.

To MOOSE these situations look like loosely-coupled systems of fully-coupled equations. A MultiApp allows you to simultaneously solve for individual physics systems.

Each sub-application (app) is considered independent. There is always a "main" app that is doing the primary solve. The "main" app can then have any number of MultiApp objects. Each MultiApp can represent many (hence Multi) "sub-applications" (sub-apps). The sub-apps can be solving for completely different physics from the main application. They can be other MOOSE applications, or might represent external applications. A sub-app can, itself, have MultiApps, leading to multi-level solves, as shown below.

Figure 1: Example multi-level MultiApp hierarchy.

Input File Syntax

MultiApp objects are declared in the [MultiApps] block and require a "type" just like any other block.

The "app_type" is the name of the MooseApp derived app that is going to be executed. Generally, this is the name of the application being executed, therefore if this parameter is omitted it will default as such. However this system is designed for running another applications that are compiled or linked into the current app.

Sub-apps are created when a MultiApp is added by MOOSE.

A MultiApp can be executed at any point during the main solve by setting the "execute_on" parameter. MultiApps at the same point are executed sequentially. Before the execution, data on the main app are transferred to sub-apps of all the MultiApps and data on sub-apps are transferred back after the execution. The execution order of all MultiApps at the same point is not determined. The order is also irrelevant because no data transfers directly among MultiApps. To enforce the ordering of execution, users can use multi-level MultiApps or set the MultiApps executed at different points. If a MultiApp is set to be executed on timestep_begin or timestep_end, the formed loosely-coupled systems of fully-coupled equations can be solved with Fixed Point iterations.

    type = TransientMultiApp
    app_type = MooseTestApp
    input_files = 'dt_from_parent_sub.i'
    positions = '0   0   0
                 0.5 0.5 0
                 0.6 0.6 0
                 0.7 0.7 0'


The "positions" parameter is a coordinate offset from the main app domain to the sub-app domain, as illustrated by Figure 2. The parameter requires the positions to be provided as a set of coordinates for each sub-app.

The number of coordinate sets determines the actual number of sub-applications created. If there is a large number of positions a file can be provided instead using the "positions_file" parameter.

  • The coordinates are a vector that is being added to the coordinates of the sub-app's domain to put that domain in a specific location within the main domain.

  • If the sub-app's domain starts at it is easy to think of moving that point around using "positions".

  • For sub-apps on completely different scales, positions is the point in the main domain where that app is located.

Figure 2: Example of MultiApp object position.

If this parameter is not provided, a single position (0,0,0) will be used.

Mesh optimizations

The "clone_parent_mesh" parameter allows for re-using the main application mesh in the sub-app. This avoids repeating mesh creation operations. This does not automatically transfer the mesh modifications performed by Adaptivity on either the main or sub-app, though it does transfer initial mesh modification work such as uniform refinement.

When using the same mesh between two applications, the MultiAppCopyTransfer may be utilized for more efficient transfers of field variables.

Parallel Execution

The MultiApp system is designed for efficient parallel execution of hierarchical problems. The main application utilizes all processors. Within each MultiApp, all of the processors are split among the sub-apps. If there are more sub-apps than processors, each processor will solve for multiple sub-apps. All sub-apps of a given MultiApp are run simultaneously in parallel. Multiple MultiApps will be executed one after another.

Dynamically Loading Multiapps

If building with dynamic libraries (the default) other applications can be loaded without adding them to your Makefile and registering them. Simply set the proper type in your input file (e.g. AnimalApp) and MOOSE will attempt to find the other library dynamically.

  • The path (relative preferred) can be set in your input file using the parameter "library_path"; this path needs to point to the lib folder within an application directory.

  • The MOOSE_LIBRARY_PATH may also be set to include paths for MOOSE to search.


Each application must be compiled separately since the main application Makefile does not have knowledge of any sub-app application dependencies.

Restart and Recover

General information about restart/recover can be found at Restart/Recovery. When running a multiapp simulation you do not need to enable checkpoint output in each sub-app input file. The main app stores the restart data for all sub-apps in its file. When restarting or recovering, the main app restores the restart data of all sub-apps into MultiApp's backups (a data structure holding all the current state including solution vectors, stateful material properties, post-processors, restartable quantties declared in objects and etc. of the sub-apps), which are used by sub-apps to restart/recover the calculations in their initial setups. The same backups are also used by multiapps for saving/restoring the current state during fixed point iterations.

A sub-app may choose to use a restart file instead of the main backup file by setting "force_restart" to true.


"force_restart" is experimental.

Available Objects

  • Moose App
  • CentroidMultiAppAutomatically generates Sub-App positions from centroids of elements in the parent app mesh.
  • FullSolveMultiAppPerforms a complete simulation during each execution.
  • TransientMultiAppMultiApp for performing coupled simulations with the parent and sub-application both progressing in time.

Available Actions