NodalKernels System
buildconstruction:Undocumented System
The NodalKernels system has not been documented. The content listed below should be used as a starting point for documenting the system, which includes the typical automatic documentation associated with a system; however, what is contained is ultimately determined by what is necessary to make the documentation clear for users.
# NodalKernels System
## Overview
!! Replace this line with information regarding the NodalKernels system.
## Example Input File Syntax
!! Describe and include an example of how to use the NodalKernels system.
!syntax list /NodalKernels objects=True actions=False subsystems=False
!syntax list /NodalKernels objects=False actions=False subsystems=True
!syntax list /NodalKernels objects=False actions=True subsystems=False
Available Objects
- Moose App
- ConstantRateComputes residual or the rate in a simple ODE of du/dt = rate.
- CoupledForceNodalKernelAdds a force proportional to the value of the coupled variable
- LowerBoundNodalKernelUsed to prevent a coupled variable from going below a lower bound
- PenaltyDirichletNodalKernelEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet value on nodesets.
- ReactionNodalKernelImplements a simple consuming reaction term at nodes
- TimeDerivativeNodalKernelForms the contribution to the residual and jacobian of the time derivative term from an ODE being solved at all nodes.
- UpperBoundNodalKernelUsed to prevent a coupled variable from going above a upper bound
- UserForcingFunctionNodalKernelResidual contribution to an ODE from a source function acting at nodes.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- NodalGravityComputes the gravitational force for a given nodal mass.
- NodalRotationalInertiaCalculates the inertial torques and inertia proportional damping corresponding to the nodal rotational inertia.
- NodalTranslationalInertiaComputes the inertial forces and mass proportional damping terms corresponding to nodal mass.
Available Actions
- Moose App
- AddNodalKernelActionAdd a NodalKernel object to the simulation.