The NonlinearSystem object holds the equation system created by the normal FEM process (e.g. the Matrix and RHS vector) to be solved. Normally MOOSE uses PETSc to store and solve this system. This object is where you will find the callback routines used by the PETSc solvers.
You may find some additional documentation relevant to both NonlinearSystem
and NonlinearEigenSystem
in NonlinearSystemBase.
Solving Non-linear Systems
Application of the finite element method converts PDE(s) into a system of nonlinear equations, to solve for the coefficients .
Newton's method has good convergence properties, we use it to solve this system of nonlinear equations.
Newton's method is a "root finding" method: it finds zeros of nonlinear equations.
Newton's Method in "Update Form" for finding roots of the scalar equation
We don't have just one scalar equation: we have a system of nonlinear equations.
This leads to the following form of Newton's Method:
Where is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the current iterate:
Note that:
Jacobian Definition
An efficient Newton solve, e.g. one that requires few "nonlinear" iterations, requires an accurate Jacobian matrix or an accurate approximation of its action on a vector. When no explicit matrix is formed for the Jacobian and only its action on a vector is computed, the algorithm is commonly referred to as matrix-free (PETSc jargon) or Jacobian-free (MOOSE jargon). The default solve algorithm in MOOSE is PJFNK
, or Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov. "Krylov" refers to the linear solution algorithm used to solve each nonlinear iteration of the Newton algorithm. For more information on solving linear systems, please see Solving Linear Systems. Even if a Jacobian-free nonlinear algorithm is chosen, typically a good preconditioning matrix is still needed. Building the matrix can be accomplished automatically, using automatic differentiation and/or manually.
Automatic Differentiation
One can elect to sacrifice some computing speed and calculate Jacobians automatically using automatic differentiation (AD). MOOSE employs the DualNumber
class from the MetaPhysicL package in order to enable AD. If the application developer wants to make use of AD, they should inherit from ADKernel
as opposed to Kernel
. Additionally, when coupling in variables, the adCoupled*
methods should be used. For example, to retrieve a coupled value, instead of using coupledValue("v")
in the ADKernel
constructor, adCoupledValue("v")
should be used. adCoupledGradient
should replace coupledGradient
, etc. An example of coupling in an AD variable can be found in ADCoupledConvection.C
and ADCoupledConvection.h
. Moreover, material properties that may depend on the nonlinear variables should be retrieved using getADMaterialProperty
instead of getMaterialProperty
. They should be declared in materials using declareADProperty
. Example AD material source and header files can be found here and here; example kernel source and header files that use AD material properties can be found here and here. The object central to AD computing objects is ADReal
which is defined in MooseTypes
Traditional Hand-coded Jacobians
Finite element shape functions are introduced in the documentation section Shape Functions. There we outline how our primary variables are summations of those shape functions multiplied by constant coefficients which are our degrees of freedom. At the end of Solving Non-linear Systems we gave an explicit illustration of how the derivative of a variable u
with respect to its jth degree of freedom () is equal to the jth shape function . Similarly the derivative of with respect to is equal to . The code expression _phi[_j][_qp]
represents in any MOOSE framework residual and Jacobian computing objects such as kernels and boundary conditions.
Any MOOSE kernel may have an arbitrary number of variables coupled into it. If these coupled variables use the same shape function family and order, then their associated s will be equivalent. However, if u
and v
use different shape functions then . As a developer, however, you do not in most cases have to worry about these differences in . MOOSE automatically updates the object member variable _phi
to use the shape functions of the variable for whom the Jacobian is currently being computed. However, if the primary variable u
is a scalar-valued (single-component) finite element variable and the coupled variable v
is a vector-valued (multi-component) finite element variable (or visa versa), then you must introduce an additional member variable to represent the shape functions of the vector-valued (scalar-valued) variable. The name of this variable is up to the developer, but we suggest perhaps a _standard_
prefix for scalar valued finite-element variables and _vector_
for vector valued finite-element variables. The _standard_
prefix is suggested over _scalar_
so as not to be confused with a MooseVariableScalar
, which only has a single value over the entire spatial domain. An example constructor for a standard kernel that couples in a vector-valued FE variable is shown below:
EFieldAdvection::EFieldAdvection(const InputParameters & parameters)
: Kernel(parameters),
_efield_var(*getVectorVar("efield", 0)),
The associated declarations are:
const unsigned int _efield_id;
const VectorVariableValue & _efield;
VectorMooseVariable & _efield_var;
const VectorVariablePhiValue & _vector_phi;
const Real _mobility;
Real _sgn;
Residual, on-diagonal, and off-diagonal methods are respectively
return -_grad_test[_i][_qp] * _sgn * _mobility * _efield[_qp] * _u[_qp];
return -_grad_test[_i][_qp] * _sgn * _mobility * _efield[_qp] * _phi[_j][_qp];
EFieldAdvection::computeQpOffDiagJacobian(unsigned int jvar)
if (jvar == _efield_id)
return -_grad_test[_i][_qp] * _sgn * _mobility * _vector_phi[_j][_qp] * _u[_qp];
return 0;
An example constructor for a vector kernel that couples in a
scalar-valued FE variable is shown below:
const InputParameters & parameters)
: VectorKernel(parameters),
_v_var(*getVar("v", 0)),
The associated declarations are:
const VariableGradient & _grad_v_dot;
const VariableValue & _d_grad_v_dot_dv;
const unsigned _v_id;
MooseVariable & _v_var;
const VariablePhiGradient & _standard_grad_phi;
Residual and off-diagonal Jacobian methods are respectively:
return _test[_i][_qp] * _grad_v_dot[_qp];
VectorCoupledGradientTimeDerivative::computeQpOffDiagJacobian(unsigned jvar)
if (jvar == _v_id)
return _test[_i][_qp] * _d_grad_v_dot_dv[_qp] * _standard_grad_phi[_j][_qp];
return 0.;
Note that only one member is needed to represent shape functions for standard MooseVariable
s and VectorMooseVariable
s. For example, if the vector-variables v
and w
are coupled into a standard kernel for u
, only a single _vector_phi
member needs to be added; there is not need for both a _v_phi
and _w_phi
. _vector_phi
will be automatically updated to represent the shape functions for whichever vector variable the Jacobian is being computed for.
Newton for a Simple Equation
Consider the convection-diffusion equation with nonlinear , , and :
The component of the residual vector is:
Using the previously-defined rules for and , the entry of the Jacobian is then:
Note that even for this "simple" equation, the Jacobian entries are nontrivial: they depend on the partial derivatives of , , and , which may be difficult or time-consuming to compute analytically.
In a multiphysics setting with many coupled equations and complicated material properties, the Jacobian might be extremely difficult to determine.
Chain Rule
On the previous slide, the term was used, where was a nonlinear forcing function.
The chain rule allows us to write this term as
If a functional form of is known, e.g. , this formula implies that its Jacobian contribution is given by
Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov
is a linear system solved during each Newton step.
For simplicity, we can write this linear system as , where: - - -
We employ an iterative Krylov method (e.g. GMRES) to produce a sequence of iterates ,
and remain fixed during the iterative process.
The "linear residual" at step is defined as
MOOSE prints the norm of this vector, , at each iteration, if you set
print_linear_residuals = true
in theOutputs
block.The "nonlinear residual" printed by MOOSE is .
By iterate , the Krylov method has constructed the subspace
Different Krylov methods produce the iterates in different ways:
Conjugate Gradients: orthogonal to .
GMRES/MINRES: has minimum norm for in .
Biconjugate Gradients: is orthogonal to
is never explicitly needed to construct the subspace, only the action of on a vector is required.
This action can be approximated by:
This form has many advantages: - No need to do analytic derivatives to form - No time needed to compute (just residual computations) - No space needed to store
Solving Linear Systems
You will commonly hear of two ways to solve an implicit linear system of equations: directly or iteratively. A typical direct solve will perform a LU factorization. Direct solves are a great tool for solving small-medium sized systems; however, they are extremely expensive when applied to large-scale problems. To solve large-scale systems, iterative methods must be used. The most successful iterative methods are Krylov methods. Krylov methods are work by finding a solution to within a space called the Krylov sub-space which is spanned by images of under powers of . Two of the most used Krylov algorithms are Conjugate gradient and GMRES. Conjugate gradient generally only works for symmetric positive-definite matrices. Because of its greater flexibility, GMRES is the default linear solution algorithm in PETSc and consequently for MOOSE.
Augmenting Sparsity
One such routine is NonlinearSystemBase::augmentSparsity
, which as its name suggests augments the sparsity pattern of the matrix. Currently this method adds sparsity coming from MOOSE Constraint
objects. It does this by querying geometric connectivity information between secondary and primary boundary pairs, and then querying the DofMap
attached to the NonlinearSystemBase
(through the libMesh NonlinearImplicitSystem
) for the dof indices that exist on the elements attached to the secondary/primary nodes. The geometric connectivity information comes from NearestNodeLocators
held by GeometricSearchData
objects in the FEProblemBase
and DisplacedProblem
(the latter only if there are mesh displacements). In the future sparsity augmentation from constraints will occur through RelationshipManagers
instead of through the augmentSparsity
Computing Residual and Jacobian Together
The default behavior in MOOSE is to have separate functions compute the residual and Jacobian. However, with the advent of Automatic Differentiation it can make sense to use a single function to compute the residual and Jacobian simultaneously. At the local residual object level, automatic differentiation (AD) already computes the residual and Jacobian simultaneously, with the dual number at the core of AD holding value (residual) and derivatives (Jacobian). Simultaneous evaluation of residual and Jacobian using a single function can be triggered by setting "residual_and_jacobian_together" to true
. What this does in the background is funnels the (generally AD) computed local residuals and Jacobians into the global residual vector and Jacobian matrix respectively when PETSc calls the libMesh/MOOSE residual/function evaluation routine. Then when PETSc calls the libMesh/MOOSE Jacobian evaluation routine, we simply return because the global matrix has already been computed.
Computing the residual and Jacobian together has shown 20% gains for Navier-Stokes finite volume simulations for which automatic differentiation is leveraged even during standard residual evaluations. Other areas where computing the residual and Jacobian together may be advantageous is in simulations in which there are quite a few nonlinear iterations per timestep, for which the cost of an additional Jacobian evaluation during the final residual evaluation is amortized. Also, simulations in which material property calculations are very expensive may be good candidates for computing the residual and Jacobian together.