

Note: this is API/developer documentation intended for those developing code using MOOSE. For end-user focused documentation see PerfGraphOutput.

The PerfGraph object holds timing data for MOOSE. The idea behind the design is to create a nested set of timing data that faithfully represents the call structure in MOOSE.

The performance graph is part of an ecosystem of objects:

  • PerfGraph: Holds the full graph and the routines for printing it out

  • PerfNode: Makes up each node in the graph and holds timing information for each section of code

  • PerfGuard: Scope guard used to active and deactivate timers

  • PerfGraphInterface: An interface class for gaining access to the PerfGraph for adding timers and pulling timing data

  • PerfGraphOutput: Responsible for printing out the graph

  • PerfGraphData: Postprocessor for outputting time from the graph

  • PerfGraphLivePrint: Object responsible for printing performance information duruing the run

The PerfGraph works by utilizing the TIME_SECTION macro to specify that the current scope should be timed (see below for more information). The timed sections are placed in an execution tree and the current "stack" of sections is kept up to date. When timing starts, a snapshot of both the memory and current time are taken then these are compared when the current scope ends in order to tally time for that section of code. The PerfGraphLivePrint object is watching the stream of what is executing and possibly printing out what is happening if it takes too long (or uses too much memory). At the end of the run the PerfGraphOutput object is responsible for dumping out the relevant information.


PerfGraph based timing should NOT be used inside tight compute loops or anything called inside a tight compute loop (i.e. don't use it in computeQpResidual()). It takes about 1e-6 seconds for the timing itself to happen. That's in the 1 MHz range... meaning that your calculation can't run any faster than that wherever this timer is! As a general rule... that means that you should have >1000 operations going on inside a timed section.

Inheriting From PerfGraphInterface

To use for timing, make sure that your system inherits from PerfGraphInterface. There are a couple of different constructors for PerfGraphInterface:

The first one allows you to pass in a MooseObject* and infer a "prefix" based on the type() of the object (the name of the object). The "prefix" is prependended to the name of the timed sections to give uniform naming from each object

  PerfGraphInterface(const MooseObject * moose_object);

The second one allows you to pass in a MooseObject* and explicitly set a prefix:

  PerfGraphInterface(const MooseObject * moose_object, const std::string prefix);

The final one is for when your object is NOT a MooseObject inherited object. You explicitly pass in the PerfLog & (usually by retrieving it from the MooseApp) and explicitly set a prefix.

  PerfGraphInterface(PerfGraph & perf_graph, const std::string prefix = "");

Logging Levels

The PerfGraph relies on loggging "levels" to determine how verbose the output should be. When timing a section, be sure to set the level appropriately so that users are not inundated with too much noise. The levels are:

  • 0: Just the "root" - the whole application time

  • 1: Minimal set of the most important routines (residual/jacobian computation, etc.)

  • 2: Important initialization routines (setting up the mesh, initializing the systems, etc.)

  • 3: More detailed information from levels 1 and 2

  • 4: This is where the Actions will start to print

  • 5: Fairly unimportant, or less used routines

  • 6: Routines that rarely take up much time

Performance Data Types

The data provided in regards to a section or a node in the PerfGraph is as follows:

  • SELF: The time taken (not including children) in seconds

  • CHILDREN: The time taken by children in seconds

  • TOTAL The total (self plus children) time taken in seconds

  • SELF_AVG: The average time taken (not including children) in seconds over all calls

  • CHILDREN_AVG: The average time taken by children in seconds over all calls

  • TOTAL_AVG: The total time taken (self plus children) in seconds over all calls

  • SELF_PERCENT: The percentage of time taken (not including children) relative to the total application time

  • CHILDREN_PERCENT: The percentage of time taken by children relative to the total application time

  • TOTAL_PERCENT: The percentage of time taken (self plus children) relative to the total application time

  • SELF_MEMORY: The memory added (not including children) in Megabytes

  • CHILDREN_MEMORY: The memory added by children in Megabytes

  • TOTAL_MEMORY: The total memory added (self plus children) in Megabytes

  • CALLS: The number of calls

Timing a Section

There are two different methods for timing: on-the-fly registration and pre-registration. On-the-fly registration is the preferred method and should be used whenever possible.

On-The-Fly Section Timing

Timing a section is as simple as using the TIME_SECTION macro within a C++ scope. TIME_SECTION can take between one and four arguments. The single argument version is used when doing pre-registration of sections. For on-the-fly you invoke TIME_SECTION like so:

TIME_SECTION(section_name, level, live_message="", print_dots=true)

  • section_name: The short name of the section. This is the name used in the final table. It is normally the function name or some other short name.

  • level: The logging level

  • live_message: OPTIONAL - but highly recommended. This is the message PerfGraphLivePrint will print to the screen (if necessary). It should be descriptive, title-cased, and written in an active way, e.g. "Calculating Lama Heights"

  • print_dots: OPTIONAL - defaults to true. This controls whether or not progress dots will be printed for this section. Only turn this off if printing dots would intermingle with some screen output that is out of MOOSE's control (for instance, in a library that you are calling into).

An example showing the most-often use-case for TIME_SECTION:

  TIME_SECTION("clean", 2, "Cleaning the Dog");

    TIME_SECTION("soap", 3, "Soaping the Dog");

    TIME_SECTION("rinse", 3, "Rinsing the Dog");

What TIME_SECTION is doing is creating a static variable to hold a PerfID that is initialized by registering the section with the PerfGraphRegistry. Since this is a static variable the registration only happens the very first time that line of code is hit . Every time after that it simply creates PerfGuard object using the passed in PerfID. The PerfGuard tells the PerfGraph about the new scope and the timing is then started for that section. At the end of the function the PerfGuard dies and in the destructor it tells the PerfGraph to remove that scope. Timing this way means that it is exception safe and impossible to "foul up" because there are no "push/pop" methods to match.

Early Retrieval

Sections that are registered using the on-the-fly timing method described above (which are the overwhelming majority of sections in the MOOSE framework and modules) are not registered in the PerfGraph until the moment they are ran.

This poses a challenge when obtaining data pertaining to said sections: error checking on whether or not a section exists is dependent on whether or not the section has ran yet. The default behavior for obtaining PerfGraph section data via PerfGraph::sectionData() is to error if a section with that name has not been found.

Let's say you are trying to time Jacobian evaluation time after every timestep, which is stored in the section FEProblem::computeJacobianInternal. But, your system only evaluates the Jacobian after the second timestep. If you try to pull section data on FEProblem::computeJacobianInternal on TIMESTEP_END, the system will error by default after the first evaluation because such a section has not ran (even though it is a valid section). With this, Perfgraph::sectionData() takes an optional boolean argument must_exist (which defaults to true). Setting must_exist = false will return zero if the section is not found.

Pre-registered Timing

This type of timing should _only_ be utilized when absolutely necessary. The main case where this comes up is timing in base classes that main get instantiated multiple times through different derived classes. An example is the Action base class.

Timing a section using pre-registration is a two part process:

  1. Register the section and save off the PerfID

  2. Using the TIME_SECTION macro to start timing a PerfID


Registering the section of code to be timed is accomplished by calling:

  PerfID registerTimedSection(const std::string & section_name,

The section_name names the section of code. The prefix + section_name must be globally unique. level is the "log level" of the section. A higher number represents a more detailed log level. Here are some quick guidelines for selecting level:

registerTimedSection() returns a PerfID that is a unique identifier that identifies that code section. This PerfID should typically get saved as a member variable of the class that is registering the section... this is normally done by initializing a PerfID member variable using registerTimedSection() in the initialization list of a constructor like so:

MyClass::MyClass() : _slow_function_timer(registerTimedSection("slowFunction")) {}


Once a timed section is registered and a PerfID is captured the section can be timed using the TIME_SECTION macro like so:

void slowFunction()

  // do all the things

What TIME_SECTION is doing is creating a PerfGuard object using the passed in PerfID. The PerfGuard tells the PerfGraph about the new scope and the timing is then started for that section. At the end of the function the PerfGuard dies and in the destructor it tells the PerfGraph to remove that scope. Timing this way means that it is exception safe and impossible to "foul up" because there are no "push/pop" methods to match.

Retrieving Section Data

An object that inherits from PerfGraphInterface can retrieve the data pertaining to a registered section by calling perfGraph().sectionData(). Note the various available data types in Performance Data Types.

The PerfGraph Internals

The PerfGraph object's main purpose is to store the complete call-graph of PerfNodes and the current call-stack of PerfNodes. The graph is held by holding onto the _root_node. All other scopes that are pushed into the graph are then children/descendants of the _root_node.

The call-stack is held within the _stack variable. The _stack is statically allocated to MAX_STACK_SIZE and _current_position is used to point at the most recent node on the stack. When a PerfGuard tells the PerfStack about a new scope, the new scope is added a child to the PerfNode that is in the _current_position. _current_position is then incremented and the new PerfNode is put there. When a scope is removed by the PerfGuard the _current_position is simply decremented - with no other action being necessary.

In addition, the _execution_list is keeping a running list of every section that executes. This is utilized by PerfGraphLivePrint to print messages out that are multiple levels deep.


Some other capability the PerfGraph has is the ability to print formatted tables displaying the values held in the graph. These normally shouldn't be called directly, but instead should be accessed using a PerfGraphOutput output object.

The print() method prints out an indented set of section names and shows their timing like so:

Performance Graph:
|                  Section                 | Calls |   Self(s)  |   Avg(s)   |    %   | Mem(MB) |  Total(s)  |   Avg(s)   |    %   | Mem(MB) |
| MooseTestApp (main)                      |     1 |      0.008 |      0.008 |   0.66 |       1 |      1.259 |      1.259 | 100.00 |      67 |
|   FEProblem::outputStep                  |     2 |      0.001 |      0.000 |   0.04 |       0 |      0.064 |      0.032 |   5.09 |       8 |
|   Steady::PicardSolve                    |     1 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0 |      0.717 |      0.717 |  56.92 |      32 |
|     FEProblem::solve                     |     1 |      0.134 |      0.134 |  10.61 |      29 |      0.716 |      0.716 |  56.89 |      32 |
|       FEProblem::computeResidualInternal |    14 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0 |      0.458 |      0.033 |  36.34 |       1 |
|       FEProblem::computeJacobianInternal |     2 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0 |      0.125 |      0.062 |   9.91 |       2 |
|     FEProblem::outputStep                |     1 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.02 |       0 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.02 |       0 |
|   Steady::final                          |     1 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.02 |       0 |
|     FEProblem::outputStep                |     1 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0 |      0.000 |      0.000 |   0.02 |       0 |

Calls is the number of times that section was run. Self time is the time actually taken by the section while Children time is the cumulative time of all of the sub-sections below that section and Total is the sum of the two. The Avg and % columns represent the average and percent of the total run-time of the app for the number in the column to the left. Mem is the memory (in Megabytes) for the column to the left (Self or Total).

There are also two other ways to print information out about the graph using printHeaviestBranch() and printHeaviestSections(). These are described well over on the PerfGraphOutput page.