BCs System

buildconstruction:Undocumented System

The BCs system has not been documented. The content listed below should be used as a starting point for documenting the system, which includes the typical automatic documentation associated with a system; however, what is contained is ultimately determined by what is necessary to make the documentation clear for users.

# BCs System

## Overview

!! Replace this line with information regarding the BCs system.

## Example Input File Syntax

!! Describe and include an example of how to use the BCs system.

!syntax list /BCs objects=True actions=False subsystems=False

!syntax list /BCs objects=False actions=False subsystems=True

!syntax list /BCs objects=False actions=True subsystems=False

Available Objects

  • Moose App
  • ADDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ADFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is calculated by a function.
  • ADFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • ADFunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ADMatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
  • ADMatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • ADNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ADPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ADVectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • ADVectorMatchedValueBCImplements a ADVectorNodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • ArrayDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • ArrayHFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
  • ArrayNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ArrayPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense with , where is the constant scalar penalty; is the test functions and is the differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ArrayVacuumBCImposes the Robin boundary condition .
  • ConvectiveFluxBCDetermines boundary values via the initial and final values, flux, and exposure duration
  • CoupledVarNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a variable.
  • DGFunctionDiffusionDirichletBCDiffusion Dirichlet boundary condition for discontinuous Galerkin method.
  • DiffusionFluxBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
  • DirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • EigenArrayDirichletBCArray Dirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
  • EigenDirichletBCDirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
  • FunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FunctionGradientNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition arising from integration by parts of a diffusion/heat conduction operator, and where the exact solution can be specified.
  • FunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • HFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
  • LagrangeVecDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • LagrangeVecFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • MatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
  • MatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • NeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • OneDEqualValueConstraintBCComputes the integral of lambda times dg term from the mortar method (for two 1D domains only).
  • PenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • PostprocessorDirichletBCDirichlet boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
  • PostprocessorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
  • SinDirichletBCImposes a time-varying essential boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
  • SinNeumannBCImposes a time-varying flux boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
  • VacuumBCVacuum boundary condition for diffusion.
  • VectorCurlPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for the curl of vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • VectorDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • VectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • VectorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
  • VectorPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • WeakGradientBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • ADConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by material properties.
  • ADFunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
  • ADInfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
  • ConvectiveFluxFunctionDetermines boundary value by fluid heat transfer coefficient and far-field temperature
  • ConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by material properties.
  • CoupledConvectiveFlux
  • CoupledConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by auxiliary variables.
  • FunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
  • GapHeatTransferTransfers heat across a gap between two surfaces dependent on the gap geometry specified.
  • GrayLambertNeumannBCThis BC imposes a heat flux density that is computed from the GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase userobject.
  • HeatConductionBC
  • InfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • ADPressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
  • ADTorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
  • CoupledPressureBCApplies a pressure from a variable on a given boundary in a given direction
  • DashpotBC
  • DisplacementAboutAxisImplements a boundary condition that enforces rotationaldisplacement around an axis on a boundary
  • InteractionIntegralBenchmarkBCImplements a boundary condition that enforces a displacement field around a crack tip based on applied stress intensity factors.
  • PenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
  • PresetAccelerationPrescribe acceleration on a given boundary in a given direction
  • PresetDisplacementPrescribe the displacement on a given boundary in a given direction.
  • PresetVelocity
  • PressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
  • StickyBCImposes the boundary condition if exceeds the bounds provided
  • TorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.

Available Subsystems

  • Moose App
  • Periodic
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • CavityPressure
  • CoupledPressure
  • InclinedNoDisplacementBC
  • Pressure

Available Actions

  • Moose App
  • AddBCActionAdd a BoundaryCondition object to the simulation.