Output System
The output system is designed to be just like any other system in MOOSE: modular and expandable.
Short-cut Syntax
To enable output in an application it must contain an [Outputs]
block. The simplest method for enabling output is to utilize the short-cut syntax as shown below, which enables Exodus output for writing spatial data. A complete list of output types and the associated short-cut syntax for the framework is included in Table 1.
Listing 1: Example of short-cut syntax in the Outputs block.
exodus = true
Developers may refer to CommonOutputAction for more information about implementing short-cut syntax for new Output types.
Block Syntax
To take full advantage of the output system, the use of sub-blocks is required. The block listed below is nearly identical, with respect to the internal implementation, to Listing 1, including the block name (i.e., the short-cut syntax builds this exact block). The one difference between the short-cut and block syntax is the default output filename assigned
Listing 2: Example of full block syntax in the Outputs block.
type = Exodus
The resulting filenames produced by different syntax is important. The default naming scheme for output files utilizes the input file name (e.g., input.i) with a suffix that differs depending on how the output is defined:
An "_out" suffix is used for
created using the short-cut syntax.The sub-block syntax uses the actual sub-block name as the suffix.
For example, if the input file (input.i) contained the following [Outputs]
block, two files would be created: input_out.e and input_other.e.
Listing 3: Example of output filenames, assuming an input file name of 'input.i'.
console = true
exodus = true # creates input_out.e
[other] # creates input_other.e
type = Exodus
Note, the use of "file_base" anywhere in the [Outputs]
block disables all default naming behavior.
Available Output Types
Table 1 provides a list of the most common output types, including the short-cut syntax as well as the type to be used when creating a sub-block. A complete list of all available output objects is given is provided below in Complete list of available Output objects..
Table 1: List of common output objects included in core MOOSE framework
Short-cut | Sub-block ("type=") | Description |
console | Console | Writes to the screen and optionally a file |
exodus | Exodus | The most common,well supported, and controllable output type |
vtk | VTK | Visualization Toolkit format, requires --enable-vtk when building libMesh |
gmv | GMV | General Mesh Viewer format |
nemesis | Nemesis | Parallel ExodusII format |
tecplot | Tecplot | Requires --enable-tecplot when building libMesh |
xda | XDA | libMesh internal format (ascii) |
xdr | XDR | libMesh internal format (binary) |
csv | CSV | Comma separated scalar values |
gnuplot | GNUPlot | Only support scalar outputs |
checkpoint | Checkpoint | MOOSE internal format used for restart and recovery |
Complete list of available Output objects.
- Moose App
- CSVOutput for postprocessors, vector postprocessors, and scalar variables using comma seperated values (CSV).
- CheckpointOutput for MOOSE recovery checkpoint files.
- ConsoleObject for screen output.
- ControlOutputOutput for displaying objects and parameters associated with the Control system.
- DOFMapOutput degree-of-freedom (DOF) map.
- ExodusObject for output data in the Exodus II format
- GMVObject for outputting data in the GMV format
- GnuplotOutput for postprocessors and scalar variables in GNU plot format.
- JSONOutput for Reporter values using JSON format.
- MaterialPropertyDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying material property information.
- NemesisObject for output data in the Nemesis (parallel ExodusII) format.
- PNGOutputOutput data in the PNG format
- PerfGraphOutputControls output of the PerfGraph: the performance log for MOOSE
- ReporterDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying Reporter information.
- SolutionHistoryOutputs the non-linear and linear iteration solve history.
- TecplotObject for outputting data in the Tecplot format
- TopResidualDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying the top contributing residuals.
- VTKOutput data using the Visualization Toolkit (VTK).
- VariableResidualNormsDebugOutputReports the residual norm for each variable.
- XDAObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
- XDRObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
- XMLOutputOutput for VectorPostprocessor using XML format.
- Ray Tracing App
- RayTracingExodusOutputs ray segments and data as segments using the Exodus format.
- RayTracingNemesisOutputs ray segments and data as segments using the Nemesis format.
Multiple Output Blocks
It is possible to create multiple output objects for outputting:
at specific time or timestep intervals,
custom subsets of variables, and
to various file types.
Supports common parameters and sub-blocks.
Listing 4: Example of creating multiple Output objects.
vtk = true
type = Console
perf_log = true
max_rows = true
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
type = Exodus
file_base = displaced
use_displaced = true
interval = 3
Common Parameters
The Outputs block supports common parameters. For example, "execute_on" may be specified outside of individual sub-blocks, indicating that all sub-blocks should output the initial condition, for example.
If within a sub-block the parameter is given a different value, the sub-block parameter takes precedence.
The input file snippet below demonstrate the usage of a common values as well as the use of multiple output blocks.
-based outputs have special inheritance of common parameters: the execute_on
parameter, as detailed below, does not get inherited.
Listing 5: Example use of common parameters in the Outputs block.
execute_on = 'timestep_end' # disable the output of initial condition
interval = 2 # only output every 2 timesteps
vtk = true # output VTK file
print_perf_log = true # enable the performance log
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'initial' # this ExodusII file will contain ONLY the initial condition
type = Exodus
use_displaced = true
interval = 3 # this ExodusII will only output every third time step
Developers may refer to CommonOutputAction for more information about implementing new common output parameters.
Outputs and execute_on
Outputs utilize the "execute_on" parameter like other systems in MOOSE, by default:
All objects have
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
, withConsole
objects being the exception.Console
objects append'initial timestep_begin linear nonlinear failed'
to the "execute_on" settings at the common level.
A list of available "execute_on" flags for Output objects is provided in Table 2 and a convenience parameter, "additional_execute_on", allows appending flags to the existing "execute_on" flags.
When debugging output, use the --show-outputs
flag when executing your application. This will add a section near the top of the simulation that shows the settings being used for each output object.
The toggles shown below provide additional operate by appending to the "execute_on" flags.
Currently, the following output execution times are available:
Table 2: List of available 'execute_on' values for Output objects.
Text Flag | Description |
"none" | disables the output |
"initial" | executes the output on the initial condition (on by default) |
"linear" | executes the output on each linear iteration |
"nonlinear" | executes the output on each non-linear iteration |
"timestep_end" | calls the output method at the end of the timestep (on by default) |
"timestep_begin" | executes the output method at the beginning of the timestep |
"final" | calls the output method on the final timestep |
"failed" | executes the output method when the solution fails |
As detailed in the Creating Custom Output Object section, there are two types of outputs classes: BasicOutput
and AdvancedOutput
. Advanced outputs have additional control beyond execute_on
, as detailed in the table below.
Input Parameter | Method Controlled |
execute_postprocessors_on | outputPostprocessors |
execute_vector_postprocessors_on | outputVectorPostprocessors |
execute_elemental_on | outputElementalVariables |
execute_nodal_on | outputNodalVariables |
execute_scalar_on | outputScalarVariables |
execute_system_information_on | outputSystemInformation |
execute_input_on | outputInput |
Each of the output controls accept the same output execution flags that execute_on
utilizes. In AdvancedOutput
objects, the execute_on
settings are used to set the defaults for each of the output type controls. For example, setting execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
causes all of the output types (e.g., postprocessors, scalars, etc.) to execute on each timestep and the initial condition.
Mesh Displacements and Higher Order Meshes
The displaced mesh may be output by setting 'use_displaced = true' within your output sub-blocks. To output both the original and displaced mesh an additional output block is required.
In general, it is not necessary to output the displace mesh, since most visualization tools automatically apply displacements. Because of this, writing the displaced mesh can result in visualizations that apply displacements multiple times.
If a simulation is using a higher order mesh, oversampling may be required to provide an accurate representation of the finite element solution. Visualization tools generally perform linear interpolation between data, regardless of the mesh order. Oversampling, which is controlled by setting the "refinements" parameter, will evaluate the finite element solution on a uniformly refined mesh during output to provide a improved view of the existing solution.
Listing 6: Example showing output of displaced mesh and oversampling.
console = true
exodus = true
type = Exodus
refinements = 2
use_displaced = true
In-Block Output Control
For certain objects it is possible to control output within the block itself, these objects include: Postprocessors, VectorPostprocessors, Indicators, Markers, Variables, and AuxVariables. For example, consider the following input file that has three output objects defined and a single postprocessor as well.
type = EmptyPostprocessor
outputs = 'csv'
exodus = true
csv = true
type = VTK
interval = 2
The outputs that should include the postprocessor value may be listed in the "outputs" parameter.
The "outputs" parameter limits the defined postprocessor to output only to the csv
output object. This highlights the need to understand the naming convention utilized by the short-cut syntax. It is also possible to remove the postprocessor from all outputs by specifying "outputs = none".
Non-linear/Linear Residual Output
Any object inheriting from PetscOutput has the ability to output data on non-linear and/or linear iterations. To enable this add "nonlinear" and/or "linear" to the "execute_on" input parameter.
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'timestep_end linear nonlinear'
When outputting nonlinear/linear iterations the time is changes from the actual simulation time by creating pseudo time steps. For example, if the [Outputs]
block above was associated with a simulation that was taking a time step of 0.1 the resulting output times would use the following convention:
Output Time | Description |
0.2 | Converged solve for time = 0.2 |
0.2001 | First non-linear iteration for time = 0.3 |
0.2001001 | First linear iteration for the first non-linear iteration |
0.2001002 | Second linear iteration for the first non-linear iteration |
0.2002 | Second non-linear iteration for time = 0.3 |
0.2002001 | First linear iteration for the second non-linear iteration |
0.2002002 | Second linear iteration for the second non-linear iteration |
0.3 | Converged solve for time = 0.3 |
Creating Custom Output Object
When creating a new output object, the new object must inherit from one of two templated base classes: BasicOutput
or AdvancedOutput
For either base class, the template parameter should be one of the following four output classes:
Base Class | Description |
Output | the most general output base class, this should be used for simple output classes that require very little control over execution, see MaterialPropertyDebugOutput |
PetscOutput | provides the ability to execute output calls on linear and nonlinear residual calculations. |
FileOutput | adds the basic functions and parameters need to write to a file. |
OversampleOutput | adds the ability to utilize an oversampled mesh for outputting. |
Note, the four classes listed above inherit from each other, so FileOutput
is a PetscOutput
, see the inheritance diagram for a visual representation: Output
Creating a BasicOutput
Basic output objects are designed for simple output cases that perform a single output task and do not require control over individual types of output.
When creating a basic output object, the user must override a single virtual method:
output(const OutputExecFlagType & type)
.This method should perform all the necessary commands to perform the output.
specifies what execute flag the output is currently being called with(e.g., "initial"). This type is a proper Enum and the possible values are listed ininclude/base/Moose.h
Creating an AdvancedOutput
Advanced output objects provide additional control over various output types (e.g., postprocessors). When creating an advanced output object a call to the static method enableOutputTypes
must exist in the new objects validParams
method that indicates which types of outputs the new object will be responsible for outputting. For example, the Exodus output validParams
method includes:
InputParameters params = AdvancedOutput<OversampleOutput>::validParams();
params += AdvancedOutput<OversampleOutput>::enableOutputTypes("nodal elemental scalar
postprocessor input");
Each of the keywords listed in this method enable a call to the associated output method, as detailed in the following table.
Enable Keyword | Associated Method |
"nodal" | outputNodalVariables |
"elemental" | outputElementalVariables |
"scalar" | outputScalarVariables |
"postprocessor" | outputPostprocessors |
"vector_postprocessor" | outputVectorPostprocessors |
"input" | outputInput |
"system_information" | outputSystemInformation |
These methods are the virtual methods that must be overloaded in the custom output object. For example, if "nodal" output in enabled the outputNodalVariables
should be overloaded. Each of these methods includes the OutputExecFlagType
as an input variable to the method.