Links to other pages for this example : - Overview - Set-up

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 1 
  nx = 20
  xmax = 5e-5

  type = FEProblem # This is the "normal" type of Finite Element Problem in MOOSE
  coord_type = XYZ # cartesian

    initial_condition = 0.0
    initial_condition = 0.0

    type = ADMatDiffusion
    variable = Mobile
    diffusivity = D
    type = ADTimeDerivative
    variable = Mobile
    type = ADTrappingEquilibriumEquation
    variable = Trapped
    v = Mobile
    vi = V1
    n_traps = n1
    type = ADCoupledTimeDerivative 
    variable = Mobile
    v = Trapped
    type = ADTimeDerivative
    variable = Trapped

    type = ADDirichletBC
    variable = Mobile
    boundary = left
    value = 1e-4
    type = ADDirichletBC #DiffusionFluxBC
    variable = Mobile
    boundary = right
    value = 0

    type = TrappingMaterialConstT
    v0 = 1.0E13
    v1 = 1.0E13
    v2 = 1.0E13
    v3 = 1.0E13
    E1 = 8.6e-3
    E2 = 0.0
    E3 = 0.0
    k_boltz = 8.6E-5
    D0 = 1.0
    E_diff = 0.0
    lambda = 3.16E-8
    n_sol = 2
    n1 = 0.1
    n2 = 0.0
    n3 = 0.0
    const_T = 1000

  type = Transient
  solve_type = NEWTON 
  # Set PETSc parameters to optimize solver efficiency
  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
  petsc_options_value = ' hypre    boomeramg'
  dt = 1e-9
  num_steps = 10

  console = false
  exodus = true # Output Exodus format