Definite Maxwell Problem
Solves a 3D electromagnetic diffusion problem for the electric field on a cube missing an octant, discretized using conforming Nédélec elements. This example is based on MFEM Example 3.
This problem solves a definite Maxwell equation with strong form:
In this example, we solve this using the weak form
Example File
# Definite Maxwell problem solved with Nedelec elements of the first kind
# based on MFEM Example 3.
type = MFEMMesh
file = gold/small_fichera.mesh
dim = 3
type = MFEMProblem
type = MFEMVectorFESpace
fec_type = ND
fec_order = FIRST
type = MFEMVectorFESpace
fec_type = RT
fec_order = CONSTANT
type = MFEMVariable
fespace = HCurlFESpace
type = MFEMVariable
fespace = HDivFESpace
type = MFEMCurlAux
variable = db_dt_field
source = e_field
scale_factor = -1.0
execute_on = TIMESTEP_END
type = ParsedVectorFunction
expression_x = 'sin(kappa * y)'
expression_y = 'sin(kappa * z)'
expression_z = 'sin(kappa * x)'
symbol_names = kappa
symbol_values = 3.1415926535
type = ParsedVectorFunction
expression_x = '(1. + kappa * kappa) * sin(kappa * y)'
expression_y = '(1. + kappa * kappa) * sin(kappa * z)'
expression_z = '(1. + kappa * kappa) * sin(kappa * x)'
symbol_names = kappa
symbol_values = 3.1415926535
type = MFEMVectorFunctionTangentialDirichletBC
variable = e_field
function = exact_e_field
type = MFEMGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = one
prop_values = 1.0
type = MFEMCurlCurlKernel
variable = e_field
coefficient = one
type = MFEMVectorFEMassKernel
variable = e_field
coefficient = one
type = MFEMVectorFEDomainLFKernel
variable = e_field
function = forcing_field
type = MFEMHypreAMS
fespace = HCurlFESpace
type = MFEMHypreGMRES
preconditioner = ams
l_tol = 1e-6
type = MFEMSteady
device = cpu
type = MFEMParaViewDataCollection
file_base = OutputData/CurlCurl
vtk_format = ASCII