Platypus Docker Container

Docker images of Platypus for Ubuntu with all dependencies are built weekly and uploaded to DockerHub, and can be downloaded via

docker pull alexanderianblair/platypus:main

Once downloaded, the image can be run in interactive mode with the command

docker run -it alexanderianblair/platypus:main

The Platypus executable can then be found at /opt/platypus/platypus-opt inside the container.

Additional information and options for using Docker can be found at this tutorial on the Docker site.

schooltip:Platypus Dependencies

Alternatively, a container containing up-to-date images of only the current dependencies for Platypus can be downloaded from

docker pull alexanderianblair/platypus-deps:main

for those who wish to build Platypus themselves.

Running Tests

Platypus can then be built with the following commands from the top level platypus directory in either of the above containers.

To build and run the entire set of regression tests for platypus found in /opt/platypus/test, run

METHOD=opt make test 

from the /opt/platypus directory. Running a specific test (or tests) is possible by using the /opt/platypus/run_tests python script and using the --re command line argument to pass in a regular expression satisfied by the names of the tests you wish to run; for example:

METHOD=opt /opt/platypus/run_tests --re=MFEMDiffusion

Similarly, unit tests can be built and run in a similar way, by running make test from /opt/platypus/unit.