Key Components


Platypus components are intended to be used together in MOOSE simulations with the MFEMProblem Problem type. In general, regular MOOSE objects and types should not be used in a sub-app using MFEMProblem, with the notable exception of MOOSE Functions, which may be used and included in Platypus problems. Documentation on the main components comprising Platypus can be found in the following files:

Problem Assembly

  • PlatypusApp: Defines relative dependencies between Actions when parsing user input files during problem set-up, and thus the order in which they are executed.

  • MFEMExecutioner: Controls the assembly and execution of an MFEM FE problem. Choice of device (CPU/GPU) and assembly level is controlled here.

  • MFEMProblem: Builder responsible for constructing and adding user requested objects to the FE problem.

  • MFEMProblemData: Struct containing data associated with the state of the MFEMProblem.

  • ProblemOperator: Responsible for updating the state of the system. For transient problems, the ProblemOperator is passed to the timestepper.

Problem Data

  • MFEMMesh: Builds an mfem::ParMesh object from the provided mesh input file.

  • MFEMFESpace: Base class for defining the finite element space with respect to which an MFEMVariable is defined.

  • MFEMVariable: Wrapper for set-up of mfem::ParGridFunction objects representing trial variables; stores a set of (true) degrees of freedom for a variable with respect to an MFEMFESpace.

  • MFEMKernel: Base class defining integrators contributing to the weak form built inside EquationSystem. Contains methods returning mfem::NonlinearFormIntegrators and mfem::LinearFormIntegrators to add to the weak form, along with marker arrays labelling the volumes the (domain) integrators are to be applied to.

  • MFEMBoundaryCondition: Base class defining essential (Dirichlet) and integrated boundary conditions to apply to the equation system.

  • EquationSystem: Class responsible for defining and assembling the weak form into an mfem::Operator, that can be used to solve for the set of trial variables at a given time or timestep, which can be passed to an mfem::NewtonSolver.