Steady State Diffusion


Solves a steady state diffusion problem for the temperature profile across a mug with fixed temperatures on two boundaries.


This problem solves the steady state heat equation with strong form:

where , on the base of the mug and at the top of the mug.

In this example, we solve this using the weak form


Example File

  type = MFEMMesh
  file = gold/mug.e
  dim = 3

  type = MFEMProblem

    type = MFEMScalarFESpace
    fec_type = H1
    fec_order = FIRST
    type = MFEMVectorFESpace
    fec_type = ND
    fec_order = FIRST

    type = MFEMVariable
    fespace = H1FESpace

    type = MFEMVariable
    fespace = HCurlFESpace

    type = MFEMGradAux
    variable = concentration_gradient
    source = concentration
    execute_on = TIMESTEP_END

    type = MFEMScalarDirichletBC
    variable = concentration
    boundary = '1'
    value = 1.0
    type = MFEMScalarDirichletBC
    variable = concentration
    boundary = '2'
    value = 0.0

    type = MFEMGenericConstantMaterial
    prop_names = diffusivity
    prop_values = 1.0

    type = MFEMDiffusionKernel
    variable = concentration
    coefficient = diffusivity

    type = MFEMHypreBoomerAMG

  type = MFEMHypreGMRES
  preconditioner = boomeramg
  l_tol = 1e-16
  l_max_its = 1000  

  type = MFEMSteady
  device = cpu

    type = MFEMParaViewDataCollection
    file_base = OutputData/Diffusion
    vtk_format = ASCII