Transient Heat Transfer
Solves a transient heat conduction problem with a boundary parameterized by a heat transfer coefficient that exchanges heat with a thermal reservoir.
This problem solves the transient heat equation with strong form:
where , , , and , subject to the initial condition .
In this example, we solve this using the weak form
Example File
type = MFEMMesh
file = gold/mug.e
dim = 3
type = MFEMProblem
type = MFEMScalarFESpace
fec_type = H1
fec_order = FIRST
type = MFEMVariable
fespace = H1FESpace
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 0.5
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 5.0
type = MFEMDiffusionKernel
variable = temperature
coefficient = thermal_conductivity
type = MFEMTimeDerivativeMassKernel
variable = temperature
coefficient = volumetric_heat_capacity
type = MFEMScalarDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = '1'
value = 1.0
type = MFEMConvectiveHeatFluxBC
variable = temperature
boundary = '2'
T_infinity = reservoir_far_temperature
heat_transfer_coefficient = heat_transfer_coefficient
type = MFEMGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'thermal_conductivity volumetric_heat_capacity'
prop_values = '1.0 1.0'
type = MFEMHypreBoomerAMG
type = MFEMHypreGMRES
preconditioner = boomeramg
l_tol = 1e-16
l_max_its = 1000
type = MFEMTransient
device = cpu
dt = 2.0
start_time = 0.0
end_time = 6.0
type = MFEMParaViewDataCollection
file_base = OutputData/HeatTransfer
vtk_format = ASCII