

Base class for MFEM kernels applied to the weak form being solved.


MFEM kernels are responsible for providing domain integrators (inheriting from mfem::BilinearFormIntegrator or mfem::LinearFormIntegrator to add to the weak form of the FE problem accumulated in EquationSystem, along with any required marker arrays to restrict the integrator(s) to subdomains.

The integrator is applied to the weak form equation that is labeled according to the test variable name of the kernel returned from getTestVariableName(). In the case of bilinear (or nonlinear) forms, the trial variable that the integrator acts on is the variable returned from getTrialVariableName(). For consistency with MOOSE, and for the ease of associating weak form equations (labeled by test variable) with the trial variable solved using them, the set of test variable names is the same as the set of trial variable names for a square system.

MFEMKernel is a purely virtual base class. Derived classes should override the createBFIntegrator and/or the createLFIntegrator methods to return a BilinearFormIntegrator and/or a LinearFormIntegrator (respectively) to add to the EquationSystem.